After almost a year and many setbacks, we have finally had another litter of bunnies! Both of the does seemed to be pregnant and built nests. Plum, however, was the only one to actually give birth to 3 babies. They are almost a week old now and are starting to grow some fur.
Here is a video of Peaches gathering hay for her nest (even though she didn't give birth).
Plum with a mouth full of hay.
The three new additions. We have doubled our rabbit population!
A close up of one of the brown babies (the paint on my hand will be explained in a later post).
Hey newlyweds - don't get us all exciting by titling a post anything BABIES!! Just kidding. Glad the bunnies are finally reproducing. They are very cute. If you move out to the country maybe you can expand your farm with chickens!
Hey newlyweds - don't get us all exciting by titling a post anything BABIES!! Just kidding. Glad the bunnies are finally reproducing. They are very cute. If you move out to the country maybe you can expand your farm with chickens!