Monday, May 27, 2013

A little more work

We spent this holiday weekend mostly relaxing and having fun, with a little work on the side.
Saturday Matthew burned a couple of the remaining piles of tree tops and stumps in our back two acres.  This turned out to be a little more work than we expected since our lack of recent rain made the fires spread a lot more than previous ones.  We managed to keep it within the bounds of our clearing but it ended up burning about a third of the back.  Now we won't have nearly as many weeds and seedlings growing back before we can plant pastures!
On Sunday we went to a wedding shower for some dancing friends of ours.  We had a great time eating snacks and playing games.  Here is Matthew in a hula-hoop contest against the bride-to-be (she had hand surgery, hence the brace).
And here I attempt the plastic wine glass stacking contest.
Today we spent a few hours working around the house.  Matthew made some shelves to put up in the garden shed.
Now the garden shed is looking a bit more organized!
While Matthew did the shelves, I cleaned up the barn in preparation for another hay delivery.  We also fixed up some of the pallets for the hay.
Matthew has mostly finished organizing his shop and it looks much better too!
And finally, most of you know that I have been sort of starting an aquarium cleaning business for about two years now (I have one client, haha).  This week a coworker at the science center approached me about taking the business to the next step.  Matthew and I met with Amber and her husband this weekend and planned out the company.  We now have business cards (my first project using Adobe Illustrator) and a website, hopefully we will have many clients soon too!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like an action packed week-end.

    Good luck withe the official business!

    Love, Emily
