Monday, June 17, 2013

Last Week

Matthew and I have spent the last two weekends working on our old house to get it ready for renters again.  Since cleaning up other people's messes doesn't make for great photos, I don't have much to share this week.  We did manage to make it to a dance Saturday night (after showering at a friend's house since the rental doesn't have hot water!) and I went riding last night with my new riding buddy from across the block.
During the week last week I finally got back to work on the kitchen.  Here is the far wall in the middle of painting.  I still have one more large section and around the tops of the cupboards to finish.  Most of our important tools are at the rental house so we weren't able to put up the chair rail on this wall yet.
Here's just another silly photo of the cats.  They don't like to snuggle with us but they sure like to snuggle with each other!
And a photo of Sunday's garden harvest.  The egg plant was delicious and I will be making cucumber salad and pasta salad with the rest.  Like Margaret, I'm afraid that a lot of my veggies will ripen while we are in NY, especially the corn.  I've also bought all of the materials for the garden fence and am keeping my fingers crossed that we have time to put it up next weekend!


  1. Your veggies look delicious. That eggplant is beautiful. Can you bring some up to the Lake House?


    1. Thanks! I'll bring whatever veggies are ripe with us.
