Sunday, June 29, 2014

Around the house

In between guests we have been working on a few small projects around the house.  I painted up the plant shelves in the foyer just in time to start my fall broccoli crop.
The garden has been producing quite well with all of the recent rain and I made my first batch of completely home grown salsa!
Matthew and I worked in the rain and dark one night finishing up a small section of permanent fencing for the miniature horses.  The rest of the fence will have to wait until we are done grading the back two acres (we will still be using portable panels until then).
Although we did not plant or even grade the back of the property there is a lot of grass coming up so I put up some temporary electric fence in order to let the big horses enjoy it.  There is actually enough grass that the horses are eating less hay right now!
My flower beds are blooming nicely and I cut some flowers to put on the table while we had guests.
One of the last things on the barn to-do list was to paint the roll up door.  I started painting this morning while it was still cool out and managed to finish before the shade disappeared.
I got a lot of use out of Matthew's ladder Christmas present!
Finally, here is a glimpse of what I will be working on this week.  I have enough tomatoes right now to make some spaghetti sauce and hope to make one more batch of salsa once the rest of the peppers ripen.

1 comment:

  1. It certainly looks like you've been busy Lindsay, as always! I hope we get a chance to try your salsa soon.
    Love, Emily
