Sunday, July 28, 2013

Ready for Spice and Peanut!

We didn't do too much work this weekend but did get ready for the miniature horses.  I am leaving for a quick trip up north on Tuesday and will return with Spice and Peanut next Friday.
We let the big horses out into the mini pen for a few weeks to help eat down the brush but apparently they didn't like most of the vegetation!
So we got out the chain saw and weed whacker to re-clear what has already been logged.  We burned the brush and will have to weed whack one more time before putting the minies in the pen.
We also set up an automatic waterer for their water tank.
On Saturday Matthew built two miniature-sized slow feeders so that Spice and Peanut won't waste their hay either.  These slow feeders are so cute!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you are all ready for the mini horses. Have a safe trip!
