Monday, July 15, 2013

With our NY trip (18 hours in the car each way!) and all of the rain we've been getting, Matthew and I didn't accomplished much here at the ranch last week.  We spent most of the weekend relaxing, going to a ballroom dance, and watching a movie with some friends.
In between rain showers on Saturday we did manage to (yet again!) move our round pen panels to make a pen for my miniature horses, which will be arriving in the beginning of August.  We installed a new gate and set up the pen behind the barn and including part of the rabbit shed.  I also found a water tank on craigslist a few weeks ago that is the perfect size for the minies.
We will be letting Rabi and Mow into the new "pasture" for a while to help eat down some of the vegetation.  Then we can finish clearing the branches and logs from when we originally cleared the area.
The garden is still producing lots of cucumbers, tomatoes, and eggplants.  My corn, however, did not do so well.  Most of the ears are very small and only half of the kernels are pollinated.  I'm not sure what exactly is wrong but I would guess that the poor soil quality had something to do with it.  Despite the small amount, at least the corn still tasted great!
The flower beds, on the other hand, are doing quite well.

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