Sunday, July 28, 2013

Ready for Spice and Peanut!

We didn't do too much work this weekend but did get ready for the miniature horses.  I am leaving for a quick trip up north on Tuesday and will return with Spice and Peanut next Friday.
We let the big horses out into the mini pen for a few weeks to help eat down the brush but apparently they didn't like most of the vegetation!
So we got out the chain saw and weed whacker to re-clear what has already been logged.  We burned the brush and will have to weed whack one more time before putting the minies in the pen.
We also set up an automatic waterer for their water tank.
On Saturday Matthew built two miniature-sized slow feeders so that Spice and Peanut won't waste their hay either.  These slow feeders are so cute!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Kitchen Renovations Complete!

After many weeks, we finally finished the walls and trim of the kitchen!  We still have a few things to replace, like the light over the table and the faucet, but the room looks so much better than before.
A couple of before shots:
And after!  I would like to hang a series of my nature photos on the far wall, similar to Emily's dining area, because that wall looks a little bare still (there is a weird reflection on the wall in the photo).
With the wall removed and new doors on the guest bedrooms, the little hallway is much brighter.
The kitchen end doesn't look too much different in the photos, but we painted and re-caulked the window as well as re-caulked the counter and it really brightened up the place.  The wallpaper above the cupboards was a huge pain, but now that it is gone there is no more wallpaper in the house!
I also painted the foyer this week.  I still have to go back and paint the trim and closet, but it also looks a lot better.  I only have one more room and three more closets to paint in the entire house!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

More Garden Fencing

Before we left on vacation, Matthew and I were able to finish fencing in our garden using the chain link fence that used to be around the house.  The barn cat, Zia, has been causing lots of problems with my bluebird houses (including eating at least two of the adults!) so I decided to take down all of the boxes and only put one up within the fenced-in garden.  While we were away the bluebirds found the box and laid four beautiful eggs.
Unfortunately, it did not take Zia long to figure out how to climb over the fence using the wooden posts.  I have had bird houses and barn cats all of my life and have never had such a determined cat!  In order to keep her from climbing, we installed electric fence all the way around the garden (it will also keep things like raccoons and squirrels away too) and bought a solar fence charger.  So far both adult bluebirds are alive and the cat has not been back in the garden, but I won't call it a success until the babies hatch and fledge!
The garden sure seems to be a popular spot around here.  This morning I caught this girl checking out the vegetation along the fence line.  Deer don't tend to jump into small, confined spaces though so she did not attempt to get into the garden.

Monday, July 15, 2013

With our NY trip (18 hours in the car each way!) and all of the rain we've been getting, Matthew and I didn't accomplished much here at the ranch last week.  We spent most of the weekend relaxing, going to a ballroom dance, and watching a movie with some friends.
In between rain showers on Saturday we did manage to (yet again!) move our round pen panels to make a pen for my miniature horses, which will be arriving in the beginning of August.  We installed a new gate and set up the pen behind the barn and including part of the rabbit shed.  I also found a water tank on craigslist a few weeks ago that is the perfect size for the minies.
We will be letting Rabi and Mow into the new "pasture" for a while to help eat down some of the vegetation.  Then we can finish clearing the branches and logs from when we originally cleared the area.
The garden is still producing lots of cucumbers, tomatoes, and eggplants.  My corn, however, did not do so well.  Most of the ears are very small and only half of the kernels are pollinated.  I'm not sure what exactly is wrong but I would guess that the poor soil quality had something to do with it.  Despite the small amount, at least the corn still tasted great!
The flower beds, on the other hand, are doing quite well.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

July 4th Vacation

We spent the July 4th week in Saranac Lake, NY with Matthew's family.  We stayed in log cabins and spent our time on the beach, on the water, and in the woods.
Here are our accommodations.
The water was chilly, but that didn't stop the swimming activities!
Hanging out on the beach.
Matthew and Ingrid playing softball.
Matthew and I by Lake Flower in Saranac Lake.
The view from our scenic railroad tour.
Matthew on the train.
Matthew and I did a short hike down to a river near Whiteface Mountain.  Here is the classic explorer pose!
It rained a little every day that we were in NY and there were lots of mushrooms in the woods.  Here are a few on a log with a slug.
We also visited a small natural history museum with nature trails and a farmer's market.
In between rain showers, we were able to do some kayaking on Lower Saranac Lake.
Matthew and I in our kayaks.
Margaret and Matt in their kayak.
On the last day of our visit, Matthew and I went to the Lake Placid horse show and watched their grand prix competition.  The horses were jumping almost five feet and it was quite impressive!
The winner was an Olympic rider from Ireland.