Thursday, October 26, 2017

Polo Match

Last weekend we took the girls to their first sporting event - a polo match!  It was a charity event at a local plantation in South Carolina and was Matthew and I's first time watching polo too.  Good thing they had a rule book to help us figure out the game!  It rained just as we arrived but we were able to wait in the car until the sun came out.
The players seemed pretty good and the final score was 9 to 11 with the away team winning.  The entire match only took about an hour.
The girls mostly slept through the whole thing!  Here is Leonie in her cute dress from Aunt Emily.
And Elsie.  It was very sunny so we kept them in the car seats that have a sun shade.
The blue team making a hit.
During half time the crowd goes onto the field to stomp in all of the divots that the horses made in the grass.  A polo tradition!  They also had a contest for the fanciest hat and the best "tailgate" (people set up tents along the field).
Leonie and I with one of the players in the background.  They moved too fast for us to get a photo with both girls and horses!

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Two Months Old

Another month has flown by!  The girls have been keeping us busy along with the company that has come to visit.  Unfortunately I did not get any photos of when Sam visited or during Jane and Richard's (Nanny & Pop's) visit.  I'll try to be better about that next time.  Here are the monthly photos though, can't believe how much they have changed in so little time! (Can you guess where I'm sitting?!)
Both girls are getting more interactive by the day.  We are getting lots of real smiles and even a few coo's.  They can follow our faces with their eyes and will turn their heads at the sound of my voice.  They are even starting to notice toys.
Here Leonie gives us a silly look.
And Elsie holding a toy.
Recently I have been putting the girls down on this play mat to look at all the colors.  I think that they like it!
Smiley girls!  Here's Elsie.
And Leonie.
Elsie's bath time with Daddy.
Hanging out with Mommy on the couch.  We've now survived seven whole days on our own while Daddy was at work!
Before my mom and dad left I was able to get back in the saddle and take Mow for a ride.  While Jane and Richard were here I was able to ride with a friend too.  Feels so good to be back riding.
While Jane and Richard were here we also got to celebrate our six year anniversary!  We practiced for the event by giving the girls bottles of pumped milk.  They both took them like champs.
Enjoying our first date night out without the girls - dinner at Elizabeth's on 37th!
Finally, here are a couple of video clips that show our very happy girls.  If you have the sound on you can probably hear their cooing too.