Thursday, September 14, 2017

One Month Old

We can't believe our babies are one month old already!  Time is really flying by and the sleepless nights are all running together, haha.  Here are our one month photos along with a collection of pictures taken since my last post.
Leonie and Elsie hanging out with daddy and giving mommy a little break.
A sleepy smile from Leonie.
And one from Elsie.
Besides their doctor appointments, the first outing we took the girls on was to Kroger for a few groceries.  It was really busy due to people stocking up for hurricane Irma but both babies slept in their carriers for the whole shopping experience.
The girls really like to snuggle and often sleep on us during the day.  Here's Elsie with daddy.
A milk-drunk Leonie on my lap.
We haven't been getting a lot of sleep so napping happens frequently around here.  Elsie and daddy catching a few zzz's.
The twins have had a few visitors so far, including my dad (Grandpa) who came down for a few days when they were two weeks old. My mom is still here helping out and we never want her to leave!
Matthew's sisters Emily (holding Elsie) and Margaret (holding Leonie) also came for a short visit over Labor day.