Monday, May 28, 2018

Bees, Garden, and More

Whenever I have a moment or two of free time - which is actually a little more often now that the girls are on a great sleep schedule - I try to keep up with our animals and the vegetable garden.  This year has been a great year for my bees as well.  I counted at least four swarms!  That means that the hives are doing so well that they have multiplied enough to split into four additional colonies.  The first swarm happened two hours before a neighbor was coming to help me split the hives (thus hopefully preventing swarming).  In this photo the first swarm is way up on a pine tree branch in the middle top of the frame.
Here's a close up of the swarm taken with my telephoto lens.  In the middle of that mass of bees is the queen bee.  A few scouts are off looking for a new place to colonize while about half of the original colony waits on the branch with the queen.  The other half is in the original hive awaiting the birth of a new queen who is about to hatch.
Watching the bees swarm is pretty impressive.  They get very irritable just beforehand (ask Matthew about his experience with that) and then they all start buzzing around the hive in what looks like a tornado of bees.  All of the little specks in this photo are bees.  You can hear the collective hum of their wings too.
Here's another swarm that happened later in the week.  This one was low enough on a tree that my neighbor came to collect it.
Here's a video of her scraping the bees into a bucket.  She'll then take the bucket and dump it into a new bee hive set up at her house.  If she hadn't collected them, the scout bees would return and "tell" the swarm about a great new spot they found and all of the bees would take off together to fly to their new home.
I've inspected my hives several times this year and they are hard at work.  Here is a frame from one hive that has queen cells on it.  Those peanut-looking things each contain a bee that is developing into a new queen.  No wonder my hives swarmed so many times, look at all of those queens!
The garden is also having a stellar year.  I took a photo each month for the last three months and you can really see the growth.
May (taken today)  The last week and a half of rain has been wonderful!
I'm also pleased with the progress my kiwi plants have made, even though it took five years.  They had their first bloom this year!  Only the female bloomed so no fruits yet, but I'm excited for next year!  The bloom is the tiny white flower in the center of this photo.
My other vines are producing this year too.  This is the second year for the grape vine and we have fruit!  I had planted the grapes because I was giving up on the kiwi and wanted to use the trellis for something.  Someday we might have lots of fruit!
A little downside to the heavy rains and storms - my sad looking corn.  We tried to prop it back up with t posts and baler twine but we'll see how it does. Matthew hypothesized that aliens were trying to send us a message with a tiny crop circle. 
The bountiful harvests just keep coming from the garden.  I guess the soil is finally benefitting from all of that rabbit manure!  Here's one days' worth of veggies.  I've frozen 5 pints of snap peas and 26 pints of broccoli in addition to what we've been consuming on a daily basis.  The green peppers, cucumbers, and yellow squash are also plentiful at the moment and my tomatoes look perfect, I hope they don't succumb to any diseases like in years past!
Here's half of our potato harvest for the year.  I ran out of space in my bucket and space for drying them!  I'll have to dig the other half next weekend.
Finally, a couple of wildlife shots.  This one is from a while ago.  The fox den had six kits early this year but they have since grown and gone.  There were a few interactions between our cats and the foxes but no one was harmed and the foxes eventually moved on.
After reviewing footage from the game camera, we actually had two different sets of fox parents using the den.  The original six kits pictured above plus this momma had one baby a month or so later.  She has a scraggly tail and is distinctive on the camera.  Her single kit was also much smaller than the first six, although they were photographed together at the den.  She hangs around the house a little closer and this photo was taken out of our bedroom window.

Monday, May 14, 2018

Nine Months Old

This month has been a busy one for growing and learning.  In addition to standing and crawling (see photos and videos below), the girls also learned to wave and clap.  They don't like to do either when the camera is out but they often wave and clap when daddy comes home!  They are tough to contain for monthly photos too, here's one of them together with the blanket mostly smoothed out.  They are both wearing outfits gifted to us by one of my clients.
And here's an outtake.  They don't stay still long!
Although mealtimes are not getting any neater (quite the opposite) they continue to be a favorite part of the day.  We still haven't found a food that they don't like!
Occasionally we have some extra help cleaning up the mess but for the most part the cats don't like their options.
While the weather was beautiful I took the girls out to play in the yard.  They love to feel the wind on their faces and watch the animals.  We've also done many naps in the stroller while mommy gets a little exercise later in the day.
Both girls were very proud of themselves when they figured out that they could stand up!  I brought out this little walker to help give them something to hold onto.  It didn't take long for them to learn how to pull up and how to sit back down.  They are getting better at it every day with very few tumbles so far.  Here's Leonie.
And Elsie.
We didn't have any visitors this month so mommy had to get creative in order to service all of her clients' tanks.  One day daddy met us at a client's and took the girls for a picnic while mommy worked.  They loved it and we loved the much easier clean up!
Another day Leonie worked and worked and finally learned to crawl.  She managed one forward step with her knee and that was all it took - off she went!  Here is a video of her second crawl, I was too slow to catch the first.
Within minutes Leonie was crawling all over the place.
Elsie took a little longer and learned step by step.  Both girls are pretty good at getting places now, provided there aren't too many toys in the way.
We had to put up the baby fence to keep them contained in our living room and out of trouble.  The cats sometimes taunt the girls by laying just outside.
Finally, a photo of me with my girls on my first Mother's Day.  Leonie is on the left, as well as Louie who was helping to entertain the girls.