Wednesday, May 1, 2019


It's been another month full of adventures!  The girls are so much fun to take places and are really starting to enjoy activities.  We started April off with another Cricket crate - this time a painting one!  We love these water painting matts. Leonie on the left.
One morning we visited my friend Judy at her house.  She took the girls to her pond and we fed the fish.  They were fascinated by all of the catfish gulping the food! Elsie on the left.
Judy and the girls.  Leonie on the left.
Next up we had a visit from Aunt Sam.  She helped me groom the horses one afternoon while the girls were napping.
Elsie enjoying a car ride from Aunt Sam.
Water play time in the hot afternoon. Leonie on the left.
We took the girls to a friend's kid's birthday party and they finally wore a couple of adorable dresses I've been hanging on to for a while.  Unfortunately it was rainy and buggy so this is the only photo I managed to snap of Elsie.
After Aunt Sam's visit we made a trip to a library for a toddler story time.  It turned out that no other toddlers came so the girls had their first experience with Legos instead!  Leonie in blue.
We also spent plenty of time outside enjoying the great weather.  Here's Elsie helping me weed the flower beds and plant new flowers.
Elsie and Leonie petting Shere Khan.
The girls love to help in the veggie garden too.  Here they are carrying in our daily spoils.  Leonie in black.
We started doing yoga during Aunt Sam's visit and the girls now love it so much we follow a youtube video yoga session almost daily.
I took the girls strawberry picking another morning.  They were excited about riding in their stroller again and enjoyed putting the strawberries into the buckets.  Surprisingly, they didn't eat any!
Elsie on the left.
We've been seeing our chiropractor almost weekly since the girls were born and now they  can climb right up on the table.  Elsie on the left.
I pulled out an old toy barn of mine for the girls and they've had a great time putting the cows and horses in and out of the barn.
My garden is growing well this year.  Here's a photo from between Mow's ears.
I've been working on a trail around the perimeter of our property for horse riding and the girls like to walk on it as well.  Here our kitty Bagheera joined us for the walk.  Leonie on the left.
The cats also like to join us on our walks out to the mailbox.
More fun with water and buckets!  Elsie on the left.
Feeding Peanut snacks (weeds).
The sprinkler was lots of fun too!
As temperatures rise we've been playing in the water more and more.  We set up the pool again in the garden and it's almost warm enough!
Elsie on the left.
I bought the girls new swimsuits and they've already gotten lots of use!  Leonie on the left.
After the girls enjoyed the Lego's so much at the library we were on the lookout for some more blocks for them to play with at home.  We found a table and two bins of Lego Duplos on marketplace.  They already learned how to build towers!  (this one had a little help from Daddy)
Elsie concentrating on her tower.
We tried a different library later in the month and there were lots and lots of kids!  They had a music and movement hour where they played kid songs and danced.  The girls were a little shy at first but once the props came out they got into the groove.  Here's Elsie dancing with a scarf.
Elsie and Leonie with scarves.
The favorite activity at the library was the bubble machine.
Finally, a few videos from the month.
Hose fun!

Chasing daddy and being chased by daddy.

The first day we played in the sprinkler.

And a little pool time.