Thursday, August 30, 2012

Cats LOVE (or hate?) shrimp!

About two years ago I received a small stuffed shrimp as a gift and for some reason all of the cats we have had since then have loved (or hated?) this shrimp.  I believe that it is just the right size that the cats can hold it, bite it, and kick it all at once! Here is a series of photos of each cat enjoying this unique toy.
Skittles using the shrimp as a pillow.
Zia and the shrimp.
Louie snoozing with the shrimp.
Louie eating the shrimp.  He also carries it around with him but I have yet to catch that in a photo.
Bagheera trying to eat the shrimp.
A short clip of Skittles playing with the shrimp.
Matthew wearing out Louie with the shrimp.
This one doesn't include the shrimp, but Bagheera loves to play fetch with a little yellow mouse we have.  She is such a dog!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Tractors & Rabbits

We have now been living in our new house for over three months and just finally mowed the lawn!  Rabi has been keeping the grass pretty low in most places but we had a party yesterday and wanted to clean up the yard.  Matthew tried for several days to get either one of our two lawn mowers working without success.
Matthew working on the mower from Emily & Miran.
We finally gave up on the two non-working mowers and traded them in (along with some cash) for this working 2002 lawn tractor.  Matthew mowed the entire lawn and along the driveway in about 20 minutes! 
Matthew and I finished the rabbit shed this weekend as well.  We bought two new rabbit cages and hung all five cages under the 6 foot overhang.  Tomorrow I am picking up a new female rabbit to bring our total up to 4 adults.
Here are a couple of photos to show the overall progress we have made around the place.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Around the House

Over the past few weeks, the rain and my limp have slowed our progress around the house.  Thing are just now starting to pick back up as I am a little more mobile, our rental houses are in check, and the weather has been a little nicer.

We put up the gates for the horses stalls a few weeks ago.  Now we just need to install better latches as they have already learned how to let themselves out!

In order to do any work outside, I had to come up with a way to keep my foot and boot clean and dry.  After searching online and finding nothing closer than Hong Kong, I remembered the plastic bags that our sheets came in.  They are the perfect size and are a little more durable than a regular plastic bag!  (Even if it does look a little silly...)

The first thing I did with my increased mobility was clean the horses pen little by little.  I can still only walk around for a little bit before I get tired (its harder than you think only balancing on your heel!) and my foot starts to swell and throb.  But at least it is better than being inside all of the time.  I'm still not sure when I will be going back to work since my job is about 90% on my feet.

I also managed to weed the flower beds, they were surprisingly overgrown for only 2 months of neglect!  I was able to sit and wheel alongside the beds using a "scoot and do" for most of the weeding.

While I have been cleaning and doing a little painting inside, Matthew has been working hard on the rabbit shed.  We want to expand our rabbit production and need a better set up before we purchase any more rabbits.

Here the poles have beams and rafters.

Then Matthew put down plywood for the base of the roof.

And added felt that will soon be covered with shingles.  Then we will suspend the rabbit cages about three feet off the ground under the middle of the overhang as well as add power and shelving above the cages.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Foot Progress

It has now been two weeks since my bunion surgery.  I had my second check up/bandage change yesterday and they removed the stitches (ouch!).  The swelling in my toes continues to decrease but will probably not disappear entirely for another few weeks at least.  I have been able to walk on my heel pretty well for the last week, so am using the crutches less.  I was even able to clean some of the horses' pen last week!  I have yet to figure out a great method of keeping my shoe clean and dry when I am outside.  It seems like someone would have come up with a product for that in the US but I can only find them in Hong Kong (10-20 days shipping!).  I am trying hard not to over-do it and can only walk for about and hour or so a day.  I still spend a lot of time watching TV and working on crafts.  Below are a bunch of photos of the progress (sorry, some are a little gruesome), including x-rays where you can see the pin they put in the bone.

My foot before the surgery.

One week after surgery (that is permanent marker, not what the stitches look like!).

Two weeks after surgery and the stitches are gone.

Newly bandaged.  It will stay bandaged like this for another two weeks.

The before x-ray.

The after x-ray.  The pin is right where they broke the bone in order to straighten it.

My company while watching the olympics.

Using a motorized cart while shopping on my first day out of the house.

Delicious cookies that Jane sent us, thanks!  (chocolate always speeds up recovery!)

Here are a couple of the projects I have been working on.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Foot Surgery

As everyone probably knows by now, I had bunion surgery last Friday.  Everything went fine and they actually only had to break the foot in one place.  I will be off my left foot for at least 8 weeks and will probably be off work for at least 3 weeks.  Matthew has taken on feeding the horses (which he seems to be doing a great job at!) and all of the other things around the house that require 2 working feet.  I have so far enjoyed many naps and a lot of olympics.  We bought a new TV and a new laptop computer for me to give me something to do for a while.  I am already feeling a little bit of cabin fever but will be able to do a little more once I am off most of the drugs.  I have my first check up on the foot tomorrow and will get an update as to when I can drive.  We got a handicap sticker for the car and I have been practicing with the crutches, but these 8 weeks can't go by fast enough!

My coworkers sent me some beautiful get-well flowers!