Tuesday, October 28, 2014

More Camping

We went on another camping trip this past weekend.  This time we went to Broxton Bridge Plantation in South Carolina and were joined by one horse friend and two non-horse couples.  We were the only ones camping at the place and had a wonderful, quiet time.
Here's part of our campsite.  This was Jody's first time camping with her horse and we both got in a lot of riding.
Horse accommodations.
Jody on Vader and me with Mow.  The weather was perfect for riding and we covered about 35 miles over the weekend.
Justin and Phylicia brought their son Jett for his first camping experience.  Ben and Renee joined us as well but I didn't get any photos of them.
The cool weather was perfect for hanging out around the campfire.
And for making hobo dinners!

Friday, October 24, 2014

Halloween Dance

Last Friday we went to the first of two Halloween dances of the season.  Matthew and I usually dress up in related costumes but Jamie and Edward joined us this year in a group costume.  Scooby Doo was one of my favorite shows as a kid and my haircut, along with Edward's long hair, made our costumes even more realistic.
A fellow dancer took this photo and added in a perfect Scooby!
This was a ballroom dance and the Mystery Solving Crew had a great time.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Camping at Mingo

The past week has been pretty busy around here.  We spent Monday through Wednesday in Myrtle Beach for a work conference.  Matthew went to the conference during the day while I enjoyed the aquarium and the state park.  We also went dancing one evening and to a stand-up comedy show another.  We came home for Thursday and then packed up again for a weekend camping trip to a local horse riding club.  We camped with a large group of new friends and had a great time.
Here is the whole crew gathered for dinner.  They were all so welcoming to us!
Our campsite.  We brought the minies this time so that no one had to care for them at the house.
Cooking some lunch.
A couple of riding photos.
We brought a cart and harnesses for Spice and Peanut too so that we could drive them around camp.  They were quite the hit!