Monday, January 27, 2020

Broxton 50 Mile Ride

Last weekend Mow and I went to another endurance ride at Broxton Bridge in South Carolina.  This time Jane came to help Matthew with the girls because we competed in the 50 mile distance and camped two nights at the event.  After arriving Friday morning it did rain a little but not as much as I'd feared.  Here's Mow wearing his raincoat on the Hi Tie.
The weather on ride day, however, was perfect!  Here we are about 10 miles in.  Mow ate like a champ all day and, other than a little stiffness at the first check, had great scores all day. Photo by Becky Pearman.
Most of the day I rode with my friends Jane and Erika.  The photographer got this great photo of us going out on our second loop!
Here's Mow all wrapped up after the ride.  The leg wraps have some liniment to help him recover and this blanket helps dry him off without getting a chill.
The next morning Mow still looked great (he even laid down over night on the Hi Tie) and we headed home after taking a walk.  I think that he is officially recovered from his injury!

Wednesday, January 1, 2020


Most of the photos from December are in the Christmas post, but here are a few more from the past month.  The weather has been great so we spent as much time outside as possible.  Here's Elsie helping me water the flowers.
Leonie's turn.  Shere Khan is never far from us when we're outside.
In fact, Shere Khan often gets a hug as greeting when we first head outside each day. As you can see, he is as happy to see us as the girls are to see him.
He's even turned into a lap cat for all of us.
When we aren't snuggling the cat, the girls are thinking up creative ways to play outside.  This photo might look like a couple of cozy coupes turned on their sides but if you look closer they are actually rocket ships ready to head to the moon! Elsie on the right.
One day we found an unusually large stink bug and the girls were fascinated by it. Here's Leonie holding it.
Elsie's turn.  It flew away shortly afterwards.
Play hard, nap hard!  Here's how I found Elsie one afternoon when I went in to wake them.
Finally, a few more photos from Grandma and Grumps' visit at the end of the month.  Bedtime stories, Leonie on the left.
Hiking with Grandma. Leonie on the left.
Elsie riding Peanut.
Seesaw time with Grumps.
Grumps getting the girls with an "Itsy Bitsy" (spider). Elsie in red.