Friday, May 1, 2020


Quarantine at the Lazy G isn't much different than normal and includes lots of outside time and critters!  The girls helped me get the leaves raked and flower beds straightened up around the house in preparation for a load of mulch (who knows when I'll get that!).
And we've been planting the garden.  Here they are helping me water the tomatoes.  Elsie on the left.
Grilling dinner with daddy.  Elsie on the left.
We've encountered lots of interesting critters this year and the girls are always ready to get a closer look.  Here they examine a fuzzy caterpillar on the horses' water tank. Leonie in stripes.
Leonie with a giant millipede. (we use gloves to handle these guys because they release a purple liquid that stains skin and clothes!) 
Elsie's turn.
These girls don't judge a bug by how it lives - here they are holding a dung beetle!  We then let him go by a convenient pile of manure. Elsie on the left.
One day this dragonfly ran into the barn and knocked itself out.  We held it until it recovered and flew away.  Elsie on the left.

Another day we found this Cecropia moth on the windowsill.  Elsie on the left.

This month the toad population exploded!  The woods were crawling with these little guys as they made their way out of the puddles.  Elsie on the left.

We took the girls down the road to the toad puddles and they had a great time trying to get the toads to go back in the puddles.  Good thing there were literally hundreds of babies so no single toad got too much attention.

After a cart wreck in February (we were all ok) I haven't felt comfortable taking Peanut driving down the road with the girls by myself. Now we only take him out if Matthew is home to help lead Peanut and give me a hand if anything happens.  Luckily Peanut has been a good boy since the accident.

The girls giving Shere Khan some love.  Elsie on the left.

Playing kitties has become a new favorite game.  Here the kitties are sitting on a log.  Elsie on the left.

And now the kitties are walking back to the house. We also build sand kitty food and water dishes and the girls pretend to cough up hair balls, haha.  Elsie on the left.

Back to being cute little girls.  Leonie on the left.

I don't have too many inside photos since we are outside so much but here are a couple. First, the car mechanics are busy giving these vehicles that my Grandfather made a tire rotation.  Elsie on the left.


And eating breakfast with new headbands from Nanny.  A much easier way to keep hair out of their faces and mouths!  Leonie on the left.

Finally, a couple of videos from April.

Tumbling time at home, since that's where we're stuck!

Beach Ball Fun!

Morning Silllies.

Too much energy!