Saturday, July 10, 2010

The Garden is Growing

The first inhabitants of my new garden were nine little broccoli seedlings.

The broccoli is growing quickly.

Next I planted some cucumbers and green beans.

And the yellow squash, tomato, and green pepper that my mom grew for me.

I added a soaker hose, pepper cage, and cucumber fence to make the garden easy to take care of.

My first broccoli head!

Nothing tastes as good as fresh broccoli from your own garden.  These plants had great taste but were lacking in size.  Better luck next time!

Everything is really growing now.  The cucs are reaching for their fence and the squash is starting to have some flowers.

The first yellow squash!

Everything just keeps growing.

The yellow squash with all of its buds.

The green beans and cucumbers also have blooms.

The garden in late May.

An afternoon's harvest. Our dinners are much healthier when the garden is producing!

In June, the squash is on its last legs but the beans and cucumbers are going crazy. The tomato and eggplants are not too far behind. The poor pepper had a rough beginning and doesn't look as if it will produce anything.

Our very first eggplant!  We have decided that the best dish made from our own home-grown veggies contains this little guy.  It is a combination of eggplant parmesan and lasagna...Delicious!

The tomatoes are growing fast too.  We love to eat these with a little mozerella cheese and some balsamic vinagarette dressing.

The beans, broccoli, squash, and cucumbers are all dead and gone. It is now time to prepare the garden for round two. Here I have just planted more squash, beans, and cucs. The eggplants, tomato, and pepper are still around trying to keep producing in all of the heat.

1 comment:

  1. What a fabulous crop you got! I'm only just starting to get my cucumbers now, and none of my squash, zucchini, or eggplant plants came up at all. I think squirrels or birds ate the seeds.

    Love, Cecilia
