Monday, June 10, 2013


The garden fencing has been put on hold since last week the renters in our old house were evicted and they sure left us a mess! Luckily, other than cleaning there wasn't too much damage done to the house.
This is what the front yard looked like.  The city cleaned most of it up before we had possession of the house.
Some of the rooms inside looked just as bad as the front yard.  I spent an entire day cleaning up the junk and sorting it into trash, recycle, and goodwill.  I ended up taking a pickup load to goodwill (clothes, some kitchen stuff, kids toys, etc) and a heaping pickup load to the dump as well as collecting about three herbies full of recycling.
They also left some bigger items like these mattresses, a table, a chair, and some desk pieces.  We were able to get rid of the chair and table thanks to craigslist and had to come back for the mattresses.  We sure are putting our new truck to use!
Here's one of the two kids' rooms.  Thankfully all of the stickers on the walls came off cleanly but I don't think we'll be able to save the carpet in this room or possibly any of the other rooms.  We spent Saturday at the house cleaning, changing locks, and doing some small repairs.  Hopefully we will have it finished in the next week or two and back up on the market.
Slightly off topic, but here is a photo of all of the cats up on our vehicles.  For some reason, they love to sleep on top of them!  Notice that Zia (left) has found a comfy spot on the mattresses from our old house. 

1 comment:

  1. Yuck!
    How can people live like that (and have their children in that environment), let alone leave a mess like that for someone else to deal with?
