Monday, February 3, 2014

The Rest of the Weekend

Over the past couple of weeks Matthew and I have been building shelves with lights for starting my garden plants.  (They aren't that complicated, but we haven't had much time to work on them!)  Here is Matthew putting together the frame.
I finally cut the chains this weekend in order to hang the lights at just the right height.  Now my seedlings should flourish!  We put the shelves in the foyer for now.  After I am done using them this spring I will do some finishing touches like painting the frame black.
On Sunday we had beautiful weather (of course!) so while I cleaned all of my tack and gear from the endurance ride Matthew cut up a few more logs from our back two acres.  I think we'll have enough firewood for a while!
Matthew's birthday gift of chainsaw chaps came in handy for this job.
And finally, an update on bunny production.  We have had a population explosion recently (as a result of our new buck) and currently have 22 rabbits on the farm.  These ten babies are about seven weeks old.
These seven babies are four and a half weeks old.


  1. Looks like you guys have been busy ... and must be having warmer weather than we are! Emily

  2. Cute bunnies! Did you get any snow yesterday?
