Saturday, July 14, 2018

Eleven Months

This is it - our last "monthly" post before they turn one!  Time just keeps speeding up.  This month's blanket photos were even harder and I'm not sure how we're going to keep the girls still for next month!
Here are a couple of snaps I took as the girls wander around the house.  They continue to enjoy exploring any and every new room or space that they can.
Both girls are excellent at standing on their own but haven't really progressed much towards walking on their own.  They both can cruise around the furniture well and their crawling skills are top-of-the-line.  Here's Elsie standing on her own.
Laundry time can be an exciting time in the baby pit.  The girls (Elsie on left) love to pull out each item and spread the entire contents of the basket on the floor.  Then they get in the basket!
Toys are coming and going in favor.  These whales are a current favorite.  Leonie with her whale.
Elsie with hers (Leonie in the background).
Kitties are ALWAYS a favorite and there isn't much that seeing or petting a kitty can't fix.  Here Louie patiently waits for a treat while Elsie (gently) pokes him.  The cats are pretty resigned to the attention.
Elsie (stripes) has now conquered climbing into the chairs.  Sometimes the girls happily play together in a chair and sometimes they fight over it by sitting on each other.
Both girls love to look at themselves on screens.  Here's a selfie I took one day while distracting them.  Leonie has her tongue out.
After our trip to VA, the next most exciting thing the girls did was attend their first pool party.  It was a celebration with some fellow dancers at a private pool nearby.
There was a giant kid pool with all sorts of water features and it was only about a foot deep.  Here the girls play with one of the spouts.  Leonie is in stripes.
A face-full of water!  They loved it.
Finally, a couple of videos from this month:
Playing peekaboo with each other over the coffee table.  Elsie is on the left.
Playing in the tunnel from Nanny and Pop.  Leonie is in the tunnel.
And a short clip of playing in the water spouts at the pool party.

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