Friday, March 1, 2019


Another month has just flown by!  First off, here's a photo of the girls with all of their lovely Christmas gifts (a Bertch family tradition).  We had to wait until after our mini babyfest visit to take this photo because we also had a little gift exchange during that trip.
We spent a lot of time with the horses this month, of course.  Here's Leonie petting Rabi.
Check out the strut on this horse girl ;)  Elsie loves Peanut!
I've been letting the girls sit on Peanut for a little while and we also tried him under saddle recently.  He was perfect!  Here's Elsie.
Leonie going for a ride.
Elsie brushing Peanut.
Going for a drive in the pony cart.  The girls loved this too!  Now they are big enough to hold on well.  Leonie on the left.
The weather has mostly been mild and wonderful but we did have a few chilly days.  Here's Leonie all bundled up.
The girls in the wheelbarrow on a warmer day.  Elsie on the left.
More playground fun. Elsie on the left.
I don't use my good camera enough to take photos of these little cuties but I did get a few one day.  Here's Leonie.
Elsie driving her car.
Elsie on the slide.
Leonie on the slide.
Elsie being silly.
Leonie running.  These girls run everywhere!
Playing in the sand.
Sisters discovering the world.
A new activity we tried this month - coloring!  The girls are fascinated by it but aren't quite distracted enough to let me take a photo of them doing it, haha.  So far they are just figuring out how to make the crayons work (and not eat them!).  Here's Elsie with her current favorite color.  These crayons are from the monthly cricket crates they receive from Grandpa Gunzburger.  Thank you!
Finally, a couple of videos.  Here's Elsie riding Peanut.
Leonie's turn.

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