Saturday, June 1, 2019


This month we spent lots and lots of time outside!  I think I now know where almost all of the playgrounds are within a half hour radius of our house, haha.  We ran to the feed store one day and stopped at a new park at the beginning of May.  Here are the girls on the swings, Elsie in yellow.
And a fun rock climb.
We did some more strawberry picking too.  The girls were a really big help this time and (mostly) picked beautiful ripe berries. Elsie in the purple hat.
My little helpers.
The girls are big enough now to ride Peanut without a side walker so we did that several mornings.  Here they are brushing him before saddling up.  Leonie on the right.
A rare photo of mommy with her girls - on Mother's Day.
We had some monarch butterflies emerge in the flower garden one day.  Both girls were fascinated.  Here's Elsie checking one out.
Feeding the horses some snacks.  Leonie on the left.
Later in the month the weather started heating up so we found some indoor activities.  I took the girls to a gymnastics Mommy and Me session a couple of times and they loved it.  I didn't get too many photos but there are some videos I'll attach at the end.  Here's Elsie contemplating life at the top of a rock climb.
And Leonie in a shopping cart.  There were lots of "outdoor" toys at the gym as well as a bouncy house, a long trampoline, and a couple of roller coasters (see videos below).
We've been continuing Mommy and Me dance class too.  Here are the girls dancing with scarves.  Leonie in purple.
I had another chance this month to sneak away to a horse show with Mow too.  We had fun!
We also got a little work done around the house and barn.  Here's Matthew installing a window in the tack room.
At the end of the month we had a surprise visit from my Aunt Sandy and Uncle John on their way home from Florida.  The girls enjoyed lots of books and playtime!  And I enjoyed a morning in town on my own while the girls played at home.
Finally, here's the video collection from this month.  I keep meaning to get a video of the girls talking but they are usually quiet when they see the camera.  In the middle of the month I tried to count how many words they can now say but lost count after 45!  Some of their cute phrases include "I know", "More please", and "Uh oh".  They know each others names and say No-knee for Leonie and Esh or I-E for Elsie.  We aren't tired of the Mommas and Daddys yet either!
Yoga with Daddy.
Fun at the gym!  Elsie.

Bouncy time!

Leonie running on the trampoline.

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