Monday, July 1, 2019


Another month of adventures has flown by with these two cuties!  We've tried to spend as much time outside as we can with the heat although that doesn't seem to bother them at all.  Here they are checking out the baby bluebirds in one of our bird houses.  Leonie on the left.
Peanut has had quite a workout this month too.  We pulled out a second helmet so that the girls could both ride in the cart with me.  It's easier for me (and more of a workout for Peanut!) to drive the cart and the girls seem to enjoy it.  Leonie on the left.
Their favorite part of riding or driving Peanut is giving him horse cookies afterwards and he's always searching for more! 
I got a new saddle for Peanut at an auction and it fits him much better.  Here's Elsie.
And Leonie.
One day we met our friend Victoria and her kids for some blackberry picking at the same farm where we picked strawberries.  This time the girls didn't waste any time stuffing their faces!  Leonie on the left.  They ate so many berries at the farm they wouldn't eat any more once we got home.
I've also had plenty of help around the house this month.  Here the girls help with laundry.  Leonie on the right.
We brought the bar stools back out a few weeks ago so that the girls can see the counter while I'm cooking.  They love to help me by stirring things whenever they can, including yogurt every morning and this time--granola!  Elsie on the left.
We made up another batch of play dough for some "cooking" fun too!  Leonie on the right.
In the middle of June the girls and I visited Tybee Island to meet a friend who was in town.  We had to stop by the Science Center, of course!  This time the girls were actually interested in the animals and Admiral the loggerhead sea turtle came down for a visit.  Leonie in blue.
We also enjoyed some beach time. Here's Elsie in the waves.
We found a cannonball jellyfish (harmless) on the sand and both Elsie and Leonie enjoyed helping return it to the water.
Leonie and I.

Playing in the sand.
Another exciting weekend I went to a livestock auction and bought a bottle calf for our farm.  I didn't want to take a huge horse trailer with me so I brought this dog crate instead.  It turned out to be a perfect fit and was actually safer for this little guy than being loose in a larger trailer.  We've dubbed him "Mooshu" and he's settled in well.
The girls are both excited and a little scared of Mooshu.  His moos are a little loud for them!  Here's Elsie watching me feed Mooshu his first bottle.
A little bubble fun one morning with Elsie.
Dance class has moved to Saturdays so Matthew has been taking the girls.  They have so much fun! Here they are working on jumping skills.
And twirling.
Obstacle course time!
At the end of June we finally made a beach trip as a family.  We were able to take the girls into the waves and they loved it!  I only got a few photos before putting the camera in a safe place.  Here's Elsie.
And Leonie.
Daddy and his girls.
Beach picnic!
Finally, a couple of videos.

Playing ball with Daddy.

Fun with Cozy Coups.

And some bedtime shenanigans!


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