Thursday, August 1, 2019


Aside from our Yellowstone trip we only took a few other photos in July, all of the girls of course!  Here they are feeding Miss Melanie's chickens after they went with me while I got a haircut.  Leonie on the left.
Grocery shopping one day.  They rarely get to do this (we usually do Kroger clicklist) so it is really exciting. Elsie on the left.
Peanut is still a favorite and we've mostly been driving him in the cart. Leonie on the left.
Peanut hugs after driving.  Elsie on the left.
I spent an evening at a birthday get together early in July and Matthew sent me this photo of Elsie all ready for bed.  They are really getting into the longer and more elaborate books including a few Dr. Seuss ones.
Coloring is a great indoor activity.  I draw shapes and scenes on scrap paper and they love to color them.  Elsie is actually pretty good at staying (mostly) in the lines.  Leonie is a little more of a free spirit.  It looks as if Leonie is going to be left handed.  She's on the left in this photo.
I had to run to the feed store one day so we stopped at the park on the way.  Both girls discovered the biggest, enclosed slide and they loved it!  Here's Elsie.
And Leonie.  I had to practically drag them away to run our errands.
Finally, a couple of videos. We've been continuing Music and Movement at the library and their favorite part is the bubble machine.
And a video of the slide fun at the playground.  They were waiting to help each other get down at the bottom.  I'm really enjoying being able to just sit and watch them play!

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