Tuesday, October 1, 2019


The weather cooled off a little bit this month and we spent plenty of time outside.  The girls are starting to enjoy little "hikes" around our woods and other places.  One Monday we joined a Free Forest School that recently started near here on a hike at a little nearby preserve.  They start with snack time, hike for about 20 minutes, then stop for stories and exploration before heading back. The girls had fun but we ended up with a lot of mosquito bites so we'll probably wait to go again until the bugs are gone! Leonie leading the way.
Here we are taking a hike around the horses' pasture.  Leonie in the front.
Sometimes the kitties join us for our hikes.  Here's Leonie and Zia.
We've still been getting a few goodies from the garden too.  Elsie picked a little watermelon and Leonie is holding the first sweet potato we dug.
The cozy coupes are still a huge hit as well and the girls ride in them almost daily.  Here Leonie is giving Elsie a ride.
Shoulder rides on mommy and daddy!  Leonie on the left.

Always helpful - watering some new flowers!  Elsie in blue.
Some days our outdoor adventures lead to very dirty girls!  Leonie is covered from head to toe in dirt here.
The girls helped me clean up after hay delivery one day.  I think more hay ended up in their hair and clothes than in the wheelbarrow, haha.
Almost a year ago we planted a live oak tree on Spice's grave and it was barely taller than the girls.  It sure has grown a lot since then!
Daddy still takes the girls to dance every Saturday and they always have a blast.  I went with them one time and took this photo of them bouncing during one of the songs. Elsie in pink.

One week at dance the girls got to sit in a fire truck after the fireman finished their breakfast at the diner next door.  Do you think they liked it?

We try to go to the library whenever possible as well.  One week we went for story time and they had a craft afterwards.  This was the girls first time trying scissors.  Leonie will get it eventually!

Elsie cutting.  They didn't do any of the other parts of the craft!
As a late birthday gift from Nanny and Pop, we finally found the girls a tumbling class.  They absolutely love it and talk about it almost daily!

Matthew's childhood bears have become a hit for indoor playtime.  Leonie filled her backpack with them one day.
And so did Elsie, of course!
The girls play together very well and have recently started this "game" where one of them pretends to be a baby and the other will take care of her.  Here Elsie tucks in Leonie.
Here Leonie feeds Elsie a bottle of milk.
We've been visiting our chiropractor almost weekly since the girls were born so they really know the routine.  They've started "adjusting" each other in the room while we're waiting for the doctor!  Here's Dr. Elsie and her patient.
Dr. Leonie's turn.
Early one Sunday morning this month I finally went stand up paddleboarding.  I've been wanting to do this for years and I finally got around to it!  The weather forecast called for some high winds so the rest of the tour clients, except my friend Lauren and I, cancelled.  Neither of us had done this before but we had a great time.
Finally, a few videos from this month.

The girls being silly outside, Elsie in yellow.

Elsie jumping off the slide.

Leonie jumping off the slide.


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