Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Update from Savannah

The last few weeks have been hectic for us as usual. We are still figuring out what is happening with the house we are hoping to buy but things don't look good. There is a problem with the title and, depending on who you ask, it is an easy fix or it cannot be fixed or it will take months. In the meantime, we are keeping our fingers crossed but have stopped packing our stuff away. I have also started my own aquarium cleaning business that Matthew and I named AquaAid. I only have one client right now but I plan on advertising a bit more after the house situation is settled.

We are still dancing whenever we get a chance and attended the Thanksgiving Ball last Saturday. It is always nice for an excuse to get dressed up! For Thanksgiving, we went to a friend of a friends' house for a lovely meal with lots of unique people. I made my family-recipe pumpkin rolls and there weren't any leftovers! We also did a Great Couch Shuffle last weekend where we moved 3 couches, 1 recliner chair, and 1 TV between 3 different houses using my horse trailer. Our arms were sore the next day! (especially since I do not back the trailer very well so we had to carry things quite a distance!)

Our baby bunnies are growing like weeds and seem to be bigger every day. They are already out of the nest box and running around. Our kitty, Zia, on the other hand is not doing as well. She has not been using the litter box all of the time and we aren't sure if it is a behavioral or medical issue. I took her to the vet for some tests but until we find out what is going on we are locking her in the shop (we call it "jail") so that she isn't using our carpet as her litter box. She is very pitiful and misses being inside with us. I have also decided to sell the horse that I bought this summer, Pandora. She needs more training than I thought, which I don't have time for, and she didn't end up being the type of horse I was looking for.

Here are a few photos from the last few weeks.

Zia likes to use my laptop case as a cat bed (this is before she had to go to jail).

Matthew and I dressed up for the Ball.

During the Great Couch Shuffle, we gave our couch to a friend and acquired a new couch that is much more comfortable. It also smells a bit like dog but I'm sure that will fade!

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