Monday, March 18, 2013


Last weekend we took a break from all of our projects and went camping at Mingo Trails saddle club.  On April 6th I am hoping to do my first competitive trail ride at the same campground.  This will be a first step towards later doing endurance rides, something I have been dreaming about for years. 
In case you haven't read up on your horse competitions lately, competitive trail riding involves riding a specific distance through the woods where you are judged on various skills.  Rides can be anywhere from 15 to 30 miles per day and may be up to two days long.  Riders are judged on equitation (position of legs, hands, etc) as well as safety (correct fit of equipment, using safe knots when tying the horse, etc.).  Horses are judged on their fitness (including pulse and respiration rate) as well as their willingness and attitude towards the rider and other horses.  These competitions are not a race and there is a 30-minute window for completion. Points are deducted for time, poor fitness, poor riding, etc.  Endurance riding, however, is a bit more intense.  These races are anywhere from 25 to 100 miles per day and may also be two day competitions.  Riders are not judged but the horse's fitness is, to some extent.  Horses must always finish the race "fit to continue", meaning that they can't be lame or otherwise compromised after finishing.  There are vet checks along the way to insure the health of the horse.  Endurance races are mostly scored on who comes across the finish line first and all horses start at the same time.  It is a lot more hectic when you have 50 horses full of 100-miles worth of energy all running off together!
Needless to say, I am starting off with an easier competitive trail ride.  I have also decided to ride my older horse, Rabi, as he is much more well-behaved and should make the experience more enjoyable.  We have been training for three weeks now and have ridden over 75 miles.  Our camp out this weekend was a great opportunity to further our training and check out the competition site.  We will be (hopefully) completing a 20 mile, one-day ride on April 6th.  I am starting out at the entry level and we will have about five hours to complete the 20 miles. We have three more weeks of conditioning left and should be right on track.
Here is our campsite at Mingo.  They were also hosting a Frontier Days and Pow Wow during the camp out so it was very busy.  As far as I know, this was Mow's first time camping and he was great.  There was a lot going on, including wagon rides, gun fights, cow whips, and loud music - all very scary things to a horse!  We ended up with a campsite at the edge of the campground which was very nice.
Rabi is in a portable corral but I used a "high line" to secure Mow.
Mow and I on the trails.  Matthew and I rode together on Saturday and Sunday.  I also rode both horses Friday and rode Rabi a second time on Saturday - a total of about 23 miles for the weekend.
Matthew on Rabi.  It was beautiful weather and we both go a little sunburned.  Matthew is using a t-shirt to keep the sun off his neck.
We haven't been camping in a while, but we finally used our collapsible dish washing bins!  (well, actually just Matthew used them...)
Matthew roasting a bratwurst for lunch.


  1. Looks like a fun weekend, and I'm so glad you're trying the competitive trail ride, it will be a great sense of accomplishment for you and Rabi. The endurance race sounds a bit more intense!

  2. Looks like you guys had a great trip and I'm glad you got so much riding in. I always love pictures of Matthew on the horses. Even though he has been riding with you for years now, it still always seems odd (in a nice way) to me.
    Love, Emily

  3. What a nice weekend! I'm jealous that you have camping weather already. We just broke 50 degrees for the first time this winter yesterday!
    Love, Cecilia
