Monday, March 17, 2014

Little Things

The last two weeks have been pretty quiet around here.  We have worked on several small projects but most consisted of fixing or modifying things we have already done.
Matthew replaced a lot of plumbing pieces we used when running water lines around the barn with galvanized fittings in order to prevent rust.  We also decided to run water to the miniature horses from the connection at the rabbits. (The rabbit cage on the ground is for overflow while we have so many rabbits!)
Since we (usually) have little weather below freezing, the water line runs under the rabbit/mini shed and then we made a hose that connects it to the water tank. It was nice to not have to dig a trench this time!
The rabbit cages we purchased after our move are apparently very cheaply made.  We replaced one cage with a higher quality product that will hopefully last longer.  Matthew also made a divider to place between the cages and prevent the rabbits from spraying each other.  If this cage holds up we will be replacing the other two soon.
With our rabbit population explosion we are also noticing a lot of urine building up on the shed posts.  Even though these posts are treated, rabbit waste is definitely going to speed up their decay so we found some metal flashing to protect the posts.
Back in the garden, I had to order the rest of the kiwi trellis parts online so that we could add five high tension wires along the length of the trellis.
My local nursery finally had kiwi vines in stock last week so I used my gift certificate from Jane to purchase three plants (one male and two females).  Now we just have to wait another three years before they start producing!
Spring is definitely on its way!  Here is an updated photo of the veggies in my garden.  The spinach and lettuce are almost ready and the potatoes are already getting quite large.
And finally, a photo of my new riding buddy, Katy, and I from this weekend.  We have been able to ride several times together and plan to train for endurance rides this spring.

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