Sunday, November 1, 2015

Halloween and Trailer Progress

This year when I told Matthew who I thought we should dress up as for Halloween he said "As you wish!"  So here we are, dressed as the Dread Pirate Roberts and Princess Buttercup from the Princess Bride. We went to a dance two weeks ago and another one last night and had a great time at both.
We've also done a little more work on the horse trailer in preparation for our camping trip next weekend (for real this time!).  We put in the last cupboard a few weeks ago and added the countertop this weekend.  We think it turned out really well!
We still need to build a custom cabinet for this awkward corner, but that probably won't happen for a while.  Until then we will just use it for storage.
And, after five attempts, Lowes finally sent us the correct piece for the sink cabinet and we were able to install some trays on the false drawer front.  The original drawer front had a big ugly knot in it and when we asked for a replacement they sent us the wrong size twice and an even uglier one once.  We also had to get a replacement for one of the cabinet doors due to a knot hole.  Needless to say, we will not be buying any more of these cabinets!

1 comment:

  1. Great costumes! I didn't even have to read the description to tell who you were :)
