Monday, May 29, 2017

New Car

 We bought a new car this weekend on our way to a wedding in Athens, GA.  We settled on a Chevy Volt and after driving it almost 400 miles to finish the trip we are pleased with our choice.  It is also a top safety pick, very important for a growing family!
Here we are between our old Echo (almost 200,000 miles), which we traded in, and the new Volt.
A better photo of the Volt in the daylight.
All plugged in at the house!  We can go about 50 miles on electric before the gas generator kicks in for another 300 miles or so, then we have to fuel up just like a regular car.  Luckily, Matthew can recharge at work and there are many places to plug in around Savannah so we will mostly be using electric.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

25 Weeks

Two more weeks have flown by and I'm just starting week 25.  I'm still feeling pretty good although I'm definitely tiring more easily and starting to have difficulty moving around.  The kids have been kicking me regularly and Matthew has been able to feel their movement too!
At this week's scan they turned on the 3D imaging to try to get a few photos.  Both babies had things in front of their face (an arm or the cord) so they weren't the best images but you can sort of get an idea.  Here's baby B.
Baby A is a little more difficult to see in this one.  They are looking to the left and the face is on the right, with the nose almost in the middle.
We also got a few regular ultrasound images.  Here's Baby B's profile.
Baby A's profile.  You can see a little bit of the cord above the belly in this one.
We (ok, mostly me) have also been busy getting ready for the twins' arrival.  I've washed and sorted all of the clothes and linens we've received so far.  We've also been working on a registry and a baby shower is in the works.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017


Some of our readers will recognize this dresser as it is currently in the nursery.  It was my mom's when she was a kid and we also have the matching desk.  There was another dresser and desk set in the family but the second dresser seems to be MIA at the moment.  So, we are on the hunt for a matching dresser to this one  because identical twins should have matching furniture, of course!  It was made in the 1960s by Sears and is classified as a French Provincial style.  Some places call it "vintage" as well.  I have found other styles from this set (low boy, lingerie dresser. etc.) on various local craigslists but have so far been unable to locate one of these that is close enough for us to buy.  Please keep your eye out for one if you are ever in an antique or second hand store! 
Apparently there are matching nightstands too, so if you see one of these we are looking for two!  Thank you :)

Thursday, May 4, 2017

23 Weeks

Another couple of weeks closer to meeting our twins!  People are no longer wondering if I might be pregnant now, as you can see it is VERY obvious :)
I had another scan on Monday and everything still looks great.  Baby B cooperated for a cute profile photo.
Baby A was not as cooperative, but here are both of the tops of their heads.  I assume that they are plotting what trouble they will get into!

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Engineering Design Challenge

For the last several months Matthew has been working with local high school students and Armstrong University to build a go-cart.  They were given an electric motor and a set of guidelines but had to come up with most of the design themselves.  The design challenge ended this weekend with a competition between the nine high schools.
Matthew, two of the students, and the high school teacher with their poster and go cart.
A few last minute adjustments to the cart before the competition starts.
Practicing for the first task, an obstacle course.
At the start of the obstacle course.
During the course.  Their cart did very well on the maneuvering part of the course but was unable to go across the bridge (seen in the background of this photo).
The next challenge was a tug-of-war.  Unfortunately, they were paired with the winning team right at the beginning so their cart lost the first bout.
The last challenge was a head-to-head race that included a stop.  I think they ended up about 4th overall in this. 
Although Matthew's team didn't win the challenges overall, they did win the award for most innovative! Their cart was the only design that used their feet for steering.
Before leaving Matthew had a chance to take it for a spin.