Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Engineering Design Challenge

For the last several months Matthew has been working with local high school students and Armstrong University to build a go-cart.  They were given an electric motor and a set of guidelines but had to come up with most of the design themselves.  The design challenge ended this weekend with a competition between the nine high schools.
Matthew, two of the students, and the high school teacher with their poster and go cart.
A few last minute adjustments to the cart before the competition starts.
Practicing for the first task, an obstacle course.
At the start of the obstacle course.
During the course.  Their cart did very well on the maneuvering part of the course but was unable to go across the bridge (seen in the background of this photo).
The next challenge was a tug-of-war.  Unfortunately, they were paired with the winning team right at the beginning so their cart lost the first bout.
The last challenge was a head-to-head race that included a stop.  I think they ended up about 4th overall in this. 
Although Matthew's team didn't win the challenges overall, they did win the award for most innovative! Their cart was the only design that used their feet for steering.
Before leaving Matthew had a chance to take it for a spin.

1 comment:

  1. This looks so fun! What a great program to be involved in Matthew - I'm sure the students and teacher really appreciated help from a real engineer!
