Sunday, June 25, 2017

30.5 Weeks

I'm a little late with my bump photo this week, but here we are at 30.5 weeks.  It's getting harder to move around and Matthew is taking on more and more of the household chores.  I'm also getting some carpal tunnel in both of my wrists, which makes my fingers numb and tingly.  Good thing we're getting close!
We've been getting some other things set up around the house in preparation for the twins' arrival.  Here we set up the co-sleeper to see how it will work next to my side of the bed.  I think that it will be okay, although a C-section incision may make a difference.
Last week we found a used glider chair that I plan to use for nursing.  Right now the cats are enjoying it.
Finally, some ultrasound photos from my scan last Monday.  Baby A weighed in at 2 pounds 14 ounces.
And Baby B measured right at 3 pounds.  Fingers crossed that they keep growing where they are and don't come early!

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Baby Shower

Last weekend our friend Cody hosted a wonderful baby shower for us.  From the delicious food to the beautiful decorations, everything was perfect and we had a great time. 
The first activity was to guess the circumference of my belly using a ribbon.  Our friend Erin guessed to within a half an inch!  The second activity was to predict the arrival date of the babies.  Contact Cody if you'd like to add your name and prediction to the list!  The narwhale keychain is the prize for this game, which, of course, is still going on :)
The other activity was decorating onesies.  I brought some (dead) fish to use for gyotaku printing and we also had puff paint.  Here is the decorating station.
I  LOVE how each and every one of the onesies turned out!
Next up was gift time.  Our babies are so lucky to have so many generous friends and family members!
We asked our guests to bring books in lieu of cards and we now have quite a collection of wonderful books for the kids.
Lastly, cake time!  Our friend Victoria made this sea-themed cake that perfectly matched my dress!
One last photo with my former science center coworkers, Chantal, Cody, and Megan.  Thank you to everyone who came to celebrate!

Thursday, June 15, 2017


My garden has been doing very well this year.  I tried to plant all of my veggies as early as possible in order to harvest them while I am still able.  Matthew has been helping a lot as well, especially with things like picking green beans because my belly is too big to allow me to bend over enough!
One day's harvest.  So far I've frozen 20 pints of broccoli, 8 packages of corn, and 16 pints of green beans.
Of course, that doesn't include all of the veggies we've eaten fresh!  Many of our meals have been completely or mostly homegrown lately. 
The corn this year has been especially delicious.  I guess that years of rabbit manure fertilizer have finally paid off!
The beans have been quite prolific as well.  It is probably time for me to learn how to pressure can because our freezer is starting to get full.
My flower beds are also blooming well and the other day I found these two huge polyphemus moths mating amongst them.
Finally, a photo of Matthew and I on the sunset cruise we went on last weekend.  This was perfect for me - all I had to do was sit and enjoy the view!

Thursday, June 8, 2017

28 Weeks

It's official, we made it to the third trimester!  All checkups over the last few weeks have gone well and the babies are really growing. We've started our Multiple Blessings class this week and have our Infant Care class on Saturday.  I'm still feeling pretty good and trying to take it easy.  Only eight to ten weeks left!

Friday, June 2, 2017

Baby Prep

Matthew and I have been working hard on getting ready for the arrival of our babies.  We took a birth class at one of the hospitals we are considering for delivery.  The two-day course covered lots of good information and we got to practice things like birth positions and diapering a newborn. We will also be taking a Multiple Blessings class, Infant Care class, and a Breastfeeding class at the other hospital. 
My parents already sent us gifts from our registry - car seats!  Matthew put them together last weekend and we used an old doll of mine for practice.  We'll have to try installing them in both the car and the truck next.
We also bought a new washing machine (thanks Janet for the recommendation!) in order to tackle the hundreds of dirty diapers in our future.
Although it's getting harder for me to move around we're also still enjoying a few social events like ballroom dancing and game nights.