Saturday, April 14, 2018

Eight Months Old

Another month flew by raising these ladies.  They are learning new things every day and are getting so big.  They both weighed about 15 pounds at their doctor appointment this month!  We had a hard time getting them to lay still on the blanket for their photos so here's the best we could do.  Leonie is on the left.
The girls still love dance class and we attend most weeks.  Here we are doing a little obstacle course with the older kids.  Mostly Elsie and Leonie like to wiggle to the music and watch the other kids dance around.  It's great mommy exercise too!
We usually meet daddy for lunch too.  Here's Elsie enjoying some veggies.
This month's visitors were Nanny and Pop for a week.  Here's Nanny reading to the girls before bed.  Matthew is holding Elsie.
Nanny also joined us for Mommy and Me dance class, she's wearing Leonie.
Sleeping, naps especially, have been difficult with the girls lately so we bought a new camera to monitor them while they sleep.  We've also hired a sleep consultant but we're only one week in with working with her.
Food was definitely the theme this month.  I don't think we've found a food that they don't like yet!  Here are some messy faces after yogurt, Elsie on the left.
Elsie really enjoyed spaghetti night too.
REALLY enjoyed it!
Leonie was almost as messy.
We've also added in lunch.  The girls usually enjoy some baby pancakes (apple & oat) or some breakfast casserole.  Elsie.
Leonie eating lunch.  They also both like Cheerios now and eat them with Daddy in the morning.  They are getting quite good at picking them up!
Last week I forgot the baby carrier when I went grocery shopping so I tried putting Elsie in the seat on the cart.  She loved it!  Leonie is in her car seat in the cart.
Here's a couple if photos that I think highlight how grown up the girls are looking as well as some of the differences between their facial expressions.  They are now wearing 9 month clothes.
A couple of cuties!
A little off topic, but I finally got some time to put together this photo collage.  Only took 8 months!
Finally, a cute video of the girls playing with a new favorite toy.


  1. I love the 40 weeks on the collage!

    1. Thank you! I admit, I stole the idea from another collage I saw :)
