Friday, August 10, 2012

Foot Progress

It has now been two weeks since my bunion surgery.  I had my second check up/bandage change yesterday and they removed the stitches (ouch!).  The swelling in my toes continues to decrease but will probably not disappear entirely for another few weeks at least.  I have been able to walk on my heel pretty well for the last week, so am using the crutches less.  I was even able to clean some of the horses' pen last week!  I have yet to figure out a great method of keeping my shoe clean and dry when I am outside.  It seems like someone would have come up with a product for that in the US but I can only find them in Hong Kong (10-20 days shipping!).  I am trying hard not to over-do it and can only walk for about and hour or so a day.  I still spend a lot of time watching TV and working on crafts.  Below are a bunch of photos of the progress (sorry, some are a little gruesome), including x-rays where you can see the pin they put in the bone.

My foot before the surgery.

One week after surgery (that is permanent marker, not what the stitches look like!).

Two weeks after surgery and the stitches are gone.

Newly bandaged.  It will stay bandaged like this for another two weeks.

The before x-ray.

The after x-ray.  The pin is right where they broke the bone in order to straighten it.

My company while watching the olympics.

Using a motorized cart while shopping on my first day out of the house.

Delicious cookies that Jane sent us, thanks!  (chocolate always speeds up recovery!)

Here are a couple of the projects I have been working on.

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