Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Foot Surgery

As everyone probably knows by now, I had bunion surgery last Friday.  Everything went fine and they actually only had to break the foot in one place.  I will be off my left foot for at least 8 weeks and will probably be off work for at least 3 weeks.  Matthew has taken on feeding the horses (which he seems to be doing a great job at!) and all of the other things around the house that require 2 working feet.  I have so far enjoyed many naps and a lot of olympics.  We bought a new TV and a new laptop computer for me to give me something to do for a while.  I am already feeling a little bit of cabin fever but will be able to do a little more once I am off most of the drugs.  I have my first check up on the foot tomorrow and will get an update as to when I can drive.  We got a handicap sticker for the car and I have been practicing with the crutches, but these 8 weeks can't go by fast enough!

My coworkers sent me some beautiful get-well flowers!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to hear you are getting around a little bit more this week than last. I'm sure its very boring, but try to keep taking it easy! And what a stylish boot you have to wear while you recover!
    Love, Emily
