Sunday, July 26, 2015


This year I am actually getting enough produce from my garden to start canning the extra.  I learned to water bath can with a couple of friends a few weeks ago and we spent the day making pickles.
Here are most of the tools and ingredients (except the canner itself).
We made dill pickles, bread and butter pickles, and some dill relish.  So far I have only tasted the relish but it was delicious!
Now that the tomatoes are coming in I have been making spaghetti sauce and salsa.  The spaghetti sauce has to be pressure canned (which I do not know how to do, so I freeze it instead) but the salsa can be water bath canned.  Here are my first eight jars of salsa!
I have also been freezing some corn and we are enjoying lots of other veggies fresh.  I can't wait to expand the garden next year and see how much I can grow!

1 comment:

  1. Looks great! How nice to think of fresh, home-grown veggies waiting for you in the winter.
