Monday, February 15, 2016

Around the Ranch

Lazy G has been living up to its name lately with very little work-like activities.  We've mostly been off having too much fun to get things done around the house although we have managed a couple of minor improvements.  My dad set many wooden fence posts during my parents' visit in December and we recently continued to work on fencing by adding a line of t-posts to separate the big back pasture into two smaller ones.  We covered the sharp metal posts with PVC pipe to make them safer (but still moveable since they are just hammered into the ground).  I will be attaching electric fence tape to them once we finish the perimeter fence.  Having two pastures will allow me to rotate the horses back and forth to give the grass a break.  This photo is from the back of the property looking down the middle of the field.  As always, we have feline supervisors on hand whenever we are working.
I've been spending too much time camping in the camper to get very far on those improvements either. I did find an old horse bit at an auction in FL that we mounted as a drawer pull and towel hanger on the cabinet under the sink.
Rabbit production has also been pretty lazy around here.  I've been having some trouble breeding the does and decided to buy two new does to replace my aging ones. These black New Zealand does are about 12 weeks old now and will be ready to breed in a few months.
We do have a few colorful babies at the moment from a breeding with a neighbor's buck.  I'm also hoping that our other two does will have their litters in the next week or two.  We're almost out of meat!

1 comment:

  1. The horse bit/drawer pull is a very clever idea & it looks good too. You guys must measure your fencing in miles these days, you keep adding to it. The rabbits look so warm & fluffy with all that fur, its been in the teens here for a few days so that looks good to me. Jane
