Monday, August 12, 2013

Tack Room Walls

This past weekend we started building the tack room inside our barn.  Matthew and Richard installed the outside door a while ago but we were able to build both walls on Saturday.
Here I am standing in the future tack room while we laid out the walls.  The big green box is my tack closet that currently holds most of my equipment, although you can see that its contents are over flowing onto the floor since the minies arrived.
Wall number one went very quickly since there are no openings.
The other wall took a little longer because of the doorway.  Next we will be securing the walls to the floor and then adding rafters.


  1. We are all very impressed at how many chores you guys get done. Between the house & the animals the range of activities is wide & interesting. Everything looks great too - you are a wonderful team.


  2. I spoke too soon ... apparently your projects are never ending. Good luck! Emily

  3. Looks nice! And good thing you two are so handy. Maggie and Ingrid can't wait to visit the minis!

    Love, Cecilia
