Thursday, March 16, 2017

The BB List

Our home improvement list has recently changed into the Before Babies (BB) list!  We started working on it when my parents stopped by on their way back from Florida.  Matthew and I have been covering the walls of the tack room and with the extra help of Mom and Dad we were able to install the ceiling.  Once the ceiling was up Dad helped me put up some shelves and hang photos.
Now one half of the tack room is done!  The shelves made room for the horse trophies to move out of the purple room in the house (the future nursery) and the finished walls needed a few photos.  It might be another five years before we finish the other half, but I'm excited to have this part finished.
I've also been working on the garden and getting everything planted.  The snap peas, lettuce, carrots, potatoes, onions, broccoli, and popcorn are already planted and the tomatoes, herbs, eggplant, and peppers are growing inside.  The late freeze we had today has set back a few of my plants but the warm spring has most things ahead of schedule.  We will be adding two more raised beds soon and adding more carpet to cut down on the amount of weed eating needed this summer.

1 comment:

  1. The tack room is looking great & having all the 'horse history' there is a good idea. I was surprised too at how dark the kits are, must be to hide them better. And your garden is always amazing. Good your Mom is also a devoted veggie planter, she can keep it up when you have both hands full.
